Alex and Ani – early birthday gift

I’m obsessed with jewelry; it’s so feminine and it always makes the perfect gift. My lovely friend, Armine, conveniently gifted me this bracelet from Alex and Ani in San Francisco. I had my eye on Alex and Ani’s trendy designs for a while, but never got my hands on any product (Armine bought it without even knowing this!). She came across the store while on a trip. The Armenian name/label, ‘Ani,’ attracted her to see what was inside.
You may be curious as to why she bought me this particular bracelet, with a charm that says “Chief.” Up until now, my nickname has been chief because of my last name, which begins with “chivch.” I think it is one of the cutest and most thoughtful gifts! Thanks, Armine! 

If you were watching the Super Bowl, or merely keeping up with the fun commercials, you must have seen the Alex and Ani commercial, which aired during the third quarter. Wasn’t it super chic and elegant? I loved it! The commercial took place in Belcourt Castle in Newport, Road Island, costing approximately two million dollars.

In case you missed it, here it is:

If you watch carefully, you can spot the company’s owner Carolyn Rafaelian at 0:18. According to ABC6 News, the commercial caused a 250% boost on Alex and Ani sales as the traffic on their website fled up by 555%! How incredible is that?! They definitely deserve it. 

         Some other pieces I love:



Russian Gold Pomegranate Expandable Wire Bangle

yours truly,