An Update on my Fitness Journey

I’ve been sharing a lot about my workouts and fitness journey for some time now and I want to be real with you guys…Tonight was the first time in a WHILE (like maybe 3 weeks that I worked out)! Here’s what was helpful for me to get back into it:

1. Be kind to yourself
Rather than putting myself down for not working out for those 3 weeks, I started saying to myself “Good job for choosing to work out today. It’s not easy to go back after a while of not doing it.”

2. Go at your own pace
Tonight, I allowed myself to take breaks when I needed them. To sit down during parts of the ride that were difficult. I had to focus on myself, my body, and my journey.

3. Pick *fun* work out
I chose SoulCycle because I love the music and the energy in the room (tonight’s I took the themed Hip Hop class)

4. Stretch before AND after your workout
This is key!! I don’t want to get injured and I want to avoid being sore (if possible lol).

5. Drink water
This is important no matter what, but I’m honestly the type of person who forgets to drink water (ugh, can anyone relate?). Today I made sure to stay extra hydrated and I keep this in mind when I’m not working out, too, to stay healthy! It makes me feel better if I’m doing at least one of the two (like hey, I didn’t get my workout in today, but at least I did well in the “stay hydrated” department lol) Today I did both––wooo!

I WANNA HEAR FROM YOU: if you could add to this list…what would you add? Would love to hear what helps you get back into your routine

Thanks for stopping by!

yours truly,
